A Friday Drive

San Andres Sacabaja’ is a little more rural than San Andres Ceballos– and yes, I went from one San Andres to another!

For example, San Andres Ceballos- part of San Antonio, is only 20 minutes from Antigua by car, and an hour (or 3) from Guatemala City depending on traffic.

San Andres Sacabaja’, is an hour from the nearest grocery store, about 4 hours from Antigua, and 5 from Guatemala City! This is San Andres about 20 minutes out.

But the driving is a blast! For the first time in Guatemala, I enjoy driving again! The rural mountains are filled with stunning views and fresh air.

It’s a very alert 4 hour drive back to San Antonio, as roads are filled with holes, winding mountain passes require a few blind passes around trucks or break downs, obstructing land slides, and you never know when your re around the corner from a cattle crossing!

San Andres is a dot on the map, a town along the rout to other towns, and yet still a central hub for villages a few hours into the surrounding mountains. These are technically still part of San Andres!!

In preparation to returning to village visits next week, and getting to better know the area, we took a drive out toward past chill, toward Chinanton, and… ok, I got a bit stuck on the names after those two. But I’m working on it!

At the moment our families are on the other side of town. It’s shocking that just a few miles geographically is the difference between dessert pains and mountains, and lush, cold, forest covered mountains.

Today we spend time preparing education topics for the families we will return to visit. I’m very much looking forward to these visits!

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